Daniela Tanjutco_On Becoming a Social Media Manager_Blog

On becoming a social media manager

It was the year 2015 when I first heard about Virtual Assistance – a job that allows one to work from home.  I researched it and asked around.  I was advised to make an Upwork and an Onlinejobsph profile but because I did not know exactly what to do, I never got verified in both and eventually gave up.     

The journey begins

This year 2020, when COVID-19 hit the Philippines and lockdowns were put in place, I thought of the Virtual Assistant job again.  In these trying times, I wanted to do something to help my parents with our financial needs. 

I am grateful my friend Jennifer sent me a link to the Filipino Virtual Assistance online courses which turned out affordable.  She suggested trying the SMM In-depth Course because she could see me as a potential social media manager.  I also wanted to be one. 

I messaged FVA immediately to ask for a course description telling them I have zero background in Virtual Assistance.  They recommended I start with the basics, the Freelancing course.  It was perfect for beginners. 

First Course

The freelancing course description is virtual assistance basics, social media basics, and SEO basics. Yes, you read it right.  BASIC.  So, in my mind, “Oh! Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I can do this!”

In my first week of watching the video lessons, I was so surprised and in awe.  Dang!  It is not as simple as I think it would be.  It was brain-racking and at the same time challenging.  I fell in love and wanted to learn more. 

After a month of making portfolios and weekly live coaching sessions with Coach Grace, I finished all of my portfolios on time. I was thrilled after receiving the gold certificate. All of my hard work paid off.

Second Course

A month after finishing the freelancing course, I purchased another online course – the SMM In-Depth Course because I wanted to become a Social Media Manager. 

I have been done a bit of social media managing for some years now.  I started when I pioneered and led a team of network marketers here in Bataan.  I also manage and own an online business.  I am intent on receiving a formal training on social media management and marketing to jumpstart my virtual assistance career.

I had fun taking this course because it covered the five major social media:  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked and Pinterest.  My creativity came out naturally while doing the portfolios.  I received exemplary work on the Pinterest management and marketing portfolio. 

I earned a gold certificate for completing the course on time finishing it in just four weeks.  I can now say that I am a certified social media manager.  Another milestone for me.

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A new way of seeing the digital world

My heart is on social media.  But being a Social Media Manager is not simple. It requires continuous learning and discovering of niches.  Aside from following the course, I have to read blogs, watch YouTube videos, be updated on the latest trend.   Why?  Because social media is always updating and changing every month or two.

Social media can eat you alive

When I got hired for the first time, I felt too confident and thought I knew everything because I trained with FVA and have a certificate.  I realized however that I still have more to learn.  I did not know how to read insights.  I did not have any idea what algorithms were.  I did not know that I need to have graphic design skills for creating content.  I did not know that one should have a contract for the tasks and hourly rates.  

Arm yourself with skills

I now know how to use social media scheduler: Hootsuite or Later. I have learned how to do authentic engagement.  I became good at looking for influencers, brand ambassadors, and potential clients.  I got great at planning out the monthly content calendar specially when the clients provide the contents and captions.

Follow other social media managers on Instagram. They have valuable content, know the latest news and trends. They conduct free mini-training weekly and monthly and share their blessings with others. 

This journey is just the beginning

I still have a lot to learn. I will see rejections as challenges. I will welcome criticisms and will always look for ways to improve myself. My goal is to serve my client and help his/her business grow with less supervision and be happy with my services. It will take time but the day will come when I can really say I am a full blooded social media manager.

Life Mantra: Stop doubting yourself work hard, and make it happen.